
June 12, 2023

Selecting a CDAP Digital Advisor That's Right For You

The Canada Digital Adoption Program opened for applications just over a year ago. ourCIO was fortunate to be selected as one of the programs first digital advisors to deliver digital adoption plans for Canadian businesses.

Over the course of the year, we've observed some interesting tactics from advisors to earn your business. Their tactics, unfortunately, are to earn your business, but do they earn your trust? Let's give some consideration toward what you should be looking for when selecting a CDAP Digital Advisor.


This is where we think we’ve seen it all, then we hear of something more. CDAP has established code of conducts in which digital advisors are to adhere to. Do you think that digital advisor offering you a kick back is being ethical? Do you think offering to conduct services that fall outside of the parameters of the program but summarizing them differently on your invoice is within the programs guidelines? The program is trying to crack down on these advisors. Work with digital advisors that have integrity. We don't want to hear of another company not receiving reimbursement from the program because of their advisor “bending the rules”.

No Biases

CDAP has loosened the requirements to qualify as a digital advisor for the program. Digital advisors who have partners and sell other products and services may have biases. Be careful that you don’t invite the fox to the henhouse as they say. You may be best to seek a digital advisor who can demonstrate that they are truly impartial with no partners or anything else to sell. Make sure it's your interests they are working for, and not theirs.


If working with a firm, it’s likely a good consideration to not only assess the firm, but also the digital advisor you will be working with. How experienced are they? Can they demonstrate a strong level business acumen? What’s their experience working in and working for businesses, as well as leading digital strategies and championing digital adoption?

We invite you to evaluate ourCIO as your trusted digital advisor for the Canada Digital Adoption Program. Our executive digital advisors have made lifelong careers serving businesses as technology executives and leaders. We bring forward a mature assessment framework that pre-dates the program. And you can be assured your interests are front and center as ourCIO was purposefully built with no partners and is not a vendor. Please visit our CDAP site for more information on the program and how we can serve you.

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